NIE – National Identity Number

If you are purchasing a property in Spain or looking to move to Spain for anything other than a holiday, then you will need an NIE Number.

How to apply

You can apply in Spain or your own country.

What is an NIE?

NIE stands for Foreigners’ Identity Number or Número de Identidad de Extranjero in Spanish. As a foreigner in Spain you need to apply for this number if you plan to be in Spain for any other reason than a brief holiday.

Why do I need an NIE?

If you intend to engage in with any type of professional or economic services in Spain, you will need an NIE first. This includes, buying a house, getting a loan, opening a bank account etc

What is the process?

If you are applying in Spain you will need to request an appointment at a Spanish police station. If you are applying abroad then you can request an appointment at your nearest consulate.

How long does it take?

If you are applying in Spain it can take up to 3 months due to a backlog, if you are applying at a consulate you can usually receive your NIE within about 3 weeks.

In either scenario, you will need to schedule an initial appointment, then you will receive a follow-up appointment to pick up your NIE.

Applying in Spain

You can apply in person at the registered police station in your province in Spain. You can request an appointment online.

Applying from abroad

You can request an NIE via your local Spanish consulate, you will need to fill in a form and visit the consulate. In the UK, the consulate is in London. For other consulates please check here.

3rd Party

There are companies that can help with scheduling appointments, or actually process the NIE application on your behalf. Fees range between 50-300 Euros depending on the company.

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